SALE!SA - Stand against legal exploitation

         Raise your Voice - Say NO

“You get to treat a ‘ho like a ‘ can find a ‘ho for any type of need - slapping, choking, aggressive sex - beyond what your girlfriend will do. You won’t do stuff to your girlfriend that will make her lose her self esteem.”

- A Sex Buyer

ILO Decent Work

The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines decent work as “productive work for women and men in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity”.

Productive employment and decent work are key elements to achieving a fair globalization and poverty reduction.

#SexWorkIsNOTWork   |   #NeitherSexNorWork

In general, work is considered as decent when:

Decent Job 

It offers a Fair Income & Adequate Earnings

Decent Job 

It guarantees a Secure Form of Employment & Safe Working Conditions
- It should not be work that should be abolished

Decent Job 

It ensures Equal Employment Opportunities & Treatment
- Workers are free to Express their Concerns & to Organise Social Dialogue

Decent Job 

It includes Social Protection for the Workers & their families
- Should be able to combine work, personal & family life

Decent Job 

It offers Prospects for Personal Development & Encourages Social Integration

Decent Job 

It offers Decent Working Time & Job Stability



"SAFE" Working Environment

 Sex Work is Not Work - Full Decriminalisation in South Africa


The following effects & conditions of prostitution indicate that it is not SAFE for the Prostituted Person
& cannot be considered as SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS



Violent Conditions



Abusive in nature



Leads to serious Health Risks (STDs, lasting effects on physical & mental health)



Rape is commonplace



Harassment from clients, buyers, pimps, brothels & communities



Can lead to death / murder



Substance / Drug Dependence (Abuse)



Exploitive in nature



Can the prostituted person say NO every time?


What Human Dignity

 Sex Work is Not Work - Full Decriminalisation in South Africa


Human Dignity is described as "being worthy of honour & respect".

Does Prostitution reflect this?

According to the The UN Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, signed and ratified by South Africa, prostitution and the accompanying evil of the traffic in persons for the purpose of prostitution are incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person”.



Full Decriminalisation will NOT change the STIGMA that surrounds Prostitution & how people view prostituted persons



There will still be NAME CALLING (No Personal Development, Dignity, Safe Environment & Social lntegration - click here)



Is this really the job a Prostituted Person would choose if they had options, or the job description they would want to write when filling in a form, or something they will talk about at Career Days at their kids' school?



If there's nothing wrong with Prostitution, why do those leaving the System of Prostitution call themselves "Survivors"?



Is this a job where you would take your daughter with you?


Fair Income

 Sex Work is Not Work - Full Decriminalisation in South Africa


Only a very select few will make a decent income. Most will take what they can get.

Is it enough & worth the negative effects, the trauma and the abuse?



Little / Low Pay
- Pimps, brothels, the "house" will take their cut
- Often money is subtracted for "rent"; "recruitment fees"; penalties etc.
- The higher the demand, the higher the supply will be; which will lead to a lowering of fees to "get the job"



Cients can decide not to pay for services rendered - there is no way to recuperate the lost income or hold the "client" liable



No benefits: compensation; sick days; days off; vacation time because no work = no pay!



 Sex Work is Not Work - Full Decriminalisation in South Africa


Who will be the actual employers - those who will be "responsible" for the Prostituted Persons' "job"?

Will it really be the Prostituted Person as many claim? Who calls the shots in the "transaction".

The one in control of the "transaction" is the actual "employer" and it is not the Prostituted Person.

The employer will be the BUYER and the THIRD PARTY (Pimp, Brothel, Recruiter, Trafficker, Exploiter, Madam, House, etc.)



They do not RESPECT or CARE about the employee (Prostituted Person)



They will not pay for a medical scheme, health insurance, UIF, compensation, sick days etc.



It will always be about what the sex buyers want: fulfilling their needs; reaching their satisfaction and fulfillment; obeying their degrading requests. And about making money for the third parties



With Full Decriminalisation of Prostitution, Prostituted Persons will NOT BE ABLE TO REPORT their "EMPLOYERS". It will be their words against the ABUSER. Who will the police believe? And how do you prove it?



Third parties that sell / rent / use another person to gain funds and take none of the risks cannot be considered legitimate employers



No one who coerces or forces someone else into an exploitive situation can be called an EMPLOYER. They are called TRAFFICKERS - if anyone uses someone's vulnerability against them for exploitation, for their own gain, it is considered Human Trafficking. A vulnerability can be poverty, desperation, mental health issues, fear etc. - anything that puts someone in a position of power, where they can use a person's circumstances in order to gain some control over them and exploit them