Fulll Decriminalisation
Full decriminalization removes all laws prohibiting and regulating prostitution including those against facilitating and buying. In essence, it makes all the aspects of the sex trade legal
Legal Models of Prostitution
Know the different legal models of Prostitution - Criminalised, PARTIAL Decriminalisation; FULL Decriminalisation; Legalisation
"Sex Work" is NOT Work
Prostitution is neither “sex” nor “work” and nor should it be labelled as such. Furthermore, no International Convention uses the term “Sex work”, and prostitution is totally contrary to the ILO definition of “decent work”.
Partial Decriminalisation
It is also known as the Equality, Abolitionist, End Demand, Sankara or the Swedish Model) and decriminalises all those who are prostituted; provides support services to help them exit; and makes buying people for sex a criminal offence
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